

The Gold Standard in Food Safety Education: How Food Safety Market Leads the Way

The Gold Standard in Food Safety Education: How Food Safety Market Leads the Way

In today’s fast-paced food industry, ensuring food safety is not just a regulatory requirement—it is a moral obligation. Recent insights from the December 2024-January 2025 issue of Food Safety Magazine highlight the critical importance of quality education in building a culture of safety across the food supply chain. At Food Safety Market, we’re proud to lead the charge with our flagship course, Managing Food Safety, setting the benchmark for excellence in food safety training.

Understanding and Enhancing Food Safety Culture: Key Insights and Strategies

In today’s food industry, ensuring food safety goes beyond mere compliance with regulations; it requires embedding a strong food safety culture within the organization. A recent article published by Food Safety Magazine, titled Assessing Food Safety Culture: Selecting Methods and Communicating Insights, offers a comprehensive overview of the tools and strategies necessary for evaluating and improving food safety culture. Here, we reflect on some of the key takeaways and practical applications for food safety professionals.



如果您在安大略省经营餐饮服务业,您就会知道让您的员工获得智能服务证书(Smart Serve)有多么重要。该证书对在本省销售或提供酒类服务的任何员工都是强制性的,因此持证场所的所有酒吧员工、服务员和厨房工作人员都必须持有有效的许可证。  



随着大流行病措施的放松,封锁可能已经结束,但加拿大的餐馆面临着一场艰难的复苏之战。两年的限制措施、劳动力短缺和迫在眉睫的经济衰退给餐饮业带来了巨大压力。 估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业 自 2020 年 3 月以来,估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业关门歇业。