鉴于劳动力持续短缺、 员工发展是 2023 年职场最大的新兴趋势之一。.企业意识到,他们需要付出更多努力来留住优秀员工,尤其是在跳槽已成为常态的餐饮业。
Your waiter, your chef, your line manager, your supervisor - everyone working in your restaurant is an individual. So why train them the same?
When it comes to employee development, restaurants and other foodservice businesses often fall into the trap of buying a one-size-fits-all training solution. These out-of-the-box programs aren’t doing you or your staff any favours, forcing trainees to plough through monotonous modules that don’t cater to their specific abilities, career goals, or level of experience.
As any eaterie knows, summer is one of the busiest times in a restaurant’s calendar. The warm weather brings a rush of patio-lovers and tourists, eager to sit and enjoy a leisurely meal in the sunshine.
After the hectic months of July and August, September is usually a time to slow down, take stock, and catch a breath. For many employers, it’s also time to train.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is a big investment in your business. It’s one that you made because you know that investing in training is the right move for any business in today’s tight labour market. Staff need to be able to upskill quickly and competently, and that just isn’t possible with patchy training that is different at each store or franchise. An LMS unifies training efforts and promotes quality throughout the entire organization.
These are challenging times for the foodservice industry and challenging times call for strong leaders. Whether you manage a small kitchen team, or a full roster of front-of-house wait staff, your employees need to know that you care and that you’ll support them as the sector adjusts to the new normal.
Effective training can turn any employee into a superstar who can use their new skills and knowledge to help grow a business, increase the bottom line, and become a leader among colleagues. Unfortunately, not all training is equal. Bad training can go just as far in the opposite direction, destroying the potential of employees by giving them bad information, not teaching best practices, and encouraging cutting corners.