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随着大流行病措施的放松,封锁可能已经结束,但加拿大的餐馆面临着一场艰难的复苏之战。两年的限制措施、劳动力短缺和迫在眉睫的经济衰退给餐饮业带来了巨大压力。 估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业 自 2020 年 3 月以来,估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业关门歇业。



自流感大流行以来,加拿大餐饮业的职位空缺增加了两倍。 增加了两倍在食品成本上升、债务增加和通货膨胀率居高不下的情况下,餐饮业的复苏陷入了困境。

即使在最好的时期,餐馆也不能失去人才。随着跳槽成为一种常态,雇主必须付出更多努力,为熟练员工提供的不仅仅是一张薪水支票。 为技术熟练的员工提供的不仅仅是一张薪水支票。



对于餐饮业来说,今年是艰难的一年,预计到 2023 年,食客们都不会光顾、 几乎看不到任何喘息的机会.鉴于前景黯淡,现在正是改变营销方式,寻找吸引和留住消费者的新方法的时候。

激励食客成为回头客可以大大增加您的客户群。最近的一项调查显示 超过 50% 的加拿大人更愿意外出就餐。

Want to Maximize Your Training? Make It Personal

Want to Maximize Your Training? Make It Personal

Your waiter, your chef, your line manager, your supervisor - everyone working in your restaurant is an individual. So why train them the same?

When it comes to employee development, restaurants and other foodservice businesses often fall into the trap of buying a one-size-fits-all training solution. These out-of-the-box programs aren’t doing you or your staff any favours, forcing trainees to plough through monotonous modules that don’t cater to their specific abilities, career goals, or level of experience.

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

Are you looking for restaurant relief programs available in 2022? Click here for updated provincial and federal relief programs currently available.

COVID-19 has had a crippling effect on the foodservice industry, forcing many businesses to close permanently or shift to models that focus heavily on delivery and outdoor dining. Prior to the pandemic, the foodservice industry directly employed over 1.2 million Canadians who served nearly 22 million people each and every day. 

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

The “new normal” is something you’ve probably heard bandied about more than you can count. From our work lives to our social lives, every aspect of what we once thought of as day-to-day life has changed since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there’s no end in sight. While this same thing can be said for every industry, it’s especially true for the restaurant industry. The idea of upholding social distancing protocols has changed everything for restaurants, who for the time being have been forced to serve customers outside of their usual facilities, offer their services via delivery, or drastically reduce the number of customers allowed inside.