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随着大流行病措施的放松,封锁可能已经结束,但加拿大的餐馆面临着一场艰难的复苏之战。两年的限制措施、劳动力短缺和迫在眉睫的经济衰退给餐饮业带来了巨大压力。 估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业 自 2020 年 3 月以来,估计有 13,000 家餐饮企业关门歇业。

Hepatitis A and Foodservice Workers

Hepatitis A and Foodservice Workers

Customer exposures to Hepatitis A have seen a major increase throughout the first half of the year, with cases appearing in the US in Arkansas, Indiana, and California as well as other states, resulting in a multi-state outbreak of around 1,200 patients which led to the deaths of at least 40 people. Governing bodies are urging all North American food service workers to ensure that they are vaccinated against the easily transmittable Hepatitis A virus - especially in communities near the infected areas or workers who travel often. Here’s what food service workers and restaurant owners need to know about the relationship between Hepatitis A and the food service industry.