For some restaurant workers, serving is a summer job. But what if your new hires show promise and you want to keep them year-round?
Enticing staff to stay isn’t just about offering them a good wage or creating a fun workplace environment. Those things do matter, of course, but equally-important is continual training and development.
As any eaterie knows, summer is one of the busiest times in a restaurant’s calendar. The warm weather brings a rush of patio-lovers and tourists, eager to sit and enjoy a leisurely meal in the sunshine.
After the hectic months of July and August, September is usually a time to slow down, take stock, and catch a breath. For many employers, it’s also time to train.
For months now, the pandemic has been changing the way we live in big and small ways. The classroom is one of COVID-19’s most notable victims, completely changing the way we learn and interact with each other. Classrooms are now seen as a massive transmission risk to students and instructors alike, and the idea of placing many people together in a small room or auditorium without proper ventilation and physical distancing measures is now seen as unattractive to many.
Effective training can turn any employee into a superstar who can use their new skills and knowledge to help grow a business, increase the bottom line, and become a leader among colleagues. Unfortunately, not all training is equal. Bad training can go just as far in the opposite direction, destroying the potential of employees by giving them bad information, not teaching best practices, and encouraging cutting corners.