

Posts about food safety:

Making Virtual Training Easier in 4 Easy Steps

Making Virtual Training Easier in 4 Easy Steps


We recently announced the release of our very own customized virtual classrooms, offering food safety trainers a safer and more convenient way to continue teaching the next generation of food handlers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual training has the same advantages of the traditional classroom, but without the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak taking place, and with the added benefit of giving learners the option to complete courses on demand, rather than relying solely on those who can attend classes in person.  

How to Teach Food Safety Virtually

How to Teach Food Safety Virtually

For months now, the pandemic has been changing the way we live in big and small ways. The classroom is one of COVID-19’s most notable victims, completely changing the way we learn and interact with each other. Classrooms are now seen as a massive transmission risk to students and instructors alike, and the idea of placing many people together in a small room or auditorium without proper ventilation and physical distancing measures is now seen as unattractive to many.

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

The “new normal” is something you’ve probably heard bandied about more than you can count. From our work lives to our social lives, every aspect of what we once thought of as day-to-day life has changed since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there’s no end in sight. While this same thing can be said for every industry, it’s especially true for the restaurant industry. The idea of upholding social distancing protocols has changed everything for restaurants, who for the time being have been forced to serve customers outside of their usual facilities, offer their services via delivery, or drastically reduce the number of customers allowed inside. 

The Future of Buffet-Style Restaurants

The Future of Buffet-Style Restaurants

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a permanent mark on the food service industry, affecting every facet of the way we once conducted business and forcing establishments to rapidly innovate. One of the most notable victims of COVID-19’s effect on food service is the self-serve buffet restaurant. The future of the buffet has been speculated on by industry experts everywhere - the COVID-19 virus is extremely contagious, making the future of these once favourite restaurants extremely uncertain. Have we seen the end of the buffet restaurant, or will these businesses be able to survive thanks to innovation and the implementation of COVID protocols? 

Is Food Delivery Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Is Food Delivery Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

With the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changing nearly every aspect of our lives, many have come to rely on food delivery as a source of comfort during these difficult times. As the demand for takeout and delivery increases, restaurants have temporarily waived delivery fees and focused their efforts on offering the safest possible takeout experience for customers. COVID-19 has been shown to live on surfaces like cardboard for up to 24 hours, and multiple days on plastic and stainless steel surfaces. Naturally, this has led to questions about the safety of delivery and takeout options. 

Coronavirus and Food Safety: Can COVID-19 Be Transmitted Through Food?

Coronavirus and Food Safety: Can COVID-19 Be Transmitted Through Food?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has infected more than 36 million people worldwide [updated as of October 10], prompting many to worry about transmission of the virus, especially with regards to our eating habits. The respiratory virus, which has recently made its way to North America, presents symptoms including coughing, fever, shortness of breath, but can lead to pneumonia, kidney failure, and severe acute respiratory syndrome in more severe cases. Here’s what you need to know about coronavirus and food safety. 

Want Your Food Handlers certified with Online Food Safety Training?

Want Your Food Handlers certified with Online Food Safety Training?
Having certified food handlers is the only way for your foodservice business to avoid the risk of reputation damage brought on by failed health inspections and causing customers to develop foodborne illness or food poisoning. In the majority of Canadian provinces and territories, businesses are required by law to hire staff with proper food handler certifications.

How Canadians Can Report Food Safety Concerns

How Canadians Can Report Food Safety Concerns
It’s important for consumers to report food safety concerns and violations. This helps provincial health units respond quickly and effectively to urgent concerns or violations before they can affect large groups of people.
Reporting concerns also allows restaurants and foodservice providers to identify employees who may require additional food safety training, or who may not be taking best practices seriously. In Canada, there are a variety of different ways to report your food safety concerns - it usually depends on which province or territory you reside in and what kind of establishment you’re filing a concern about.