

Posts about customer service:



对于餐饮业来说,今年是艰难的一年,预计到 2023 年,食客们都不会光顾、 几乎看不到任何喘息的机会.鉴于前景黯淡,现在正是改变营销方式,寻找吸引和留住消费者的新方法的时候。

激励食客成为回头客可以大大增加您的客户群。最近的一项调查显示 超过 50% 的加拿大人更愿意外出就餐。

9 Tips for Handling a Food Safety Complaint at Your Restaurant

9 Tips for Handling a Food Safety Complaint at Your Restaurant

No matter how many food safety precautions you take at your establishment, you will inevitably get a complaint at some point that a customer ate something at your restaurant that made them sick. These complaints aren’t a hassle, but an opportunity to conduct a review of your food handling procedures and a way to prevent negative reviews of your restaurant, both online and off.