

Posts about virtual classroom:

Making Virtual Training Easier in 4 Easy Steps

Making Virtual Training Easier in 4 Easy Steps


We recently announced the release of our very own customized virtual classrooms, offering food safety trainers a safer and more convenient way to continue teaching the next generation of food handlers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual training has the same advantages of the traditional classroom, but without the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak taking place, and with the added benefit of giving learners the option to complete courses on demand, rather than relying solely on those who can attend classes in person.  

How to Teach Food Safety Virtually

How to Teach Food Safety Virtually

For months now, the pandemic has been changing the way we live in big and small ways. The classroom is one of COVID-19’s most notable victims, completely changing the way we learn and interact with each other. Classrooms are now seen as a massive transmission risk to students and instructors alike, and the idea of placing many people together in a small room or auditorium without proper ventilation and physical distancing measures is now seen as unattractive to many.