

Posts by Kevin Freeborn:

Food Safety Considerations for Food Truck Operators

Food Safety Considerations for Food Truck Operators

Summer is right around the corner, and for many areas this brings an army of food trucks rolling out to streets everywhere. It’s important to understand that food trucks must meet the same food safety regulations and expectations as restaurants – especially for food truck operators.

Operating a food truck presents some unique challenges - things like space considerations, cost, and hygiene.

Back to School Food Safety - 6 Life Hacks to Make Sure Lunches are Safe

Back to School Food Safety - 6 Life Hacks to Make Sure Lunches are Safe

Let’s face it, most school lunches aren’t carefully planned, Pinterest-worthy creations that parents spend hours slaving over. They’re usually thrown together in the morning or the night before by busy parents. In this environment, it’s easy to throw food safety considerations out the window. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you pack better lunches, even if you are in a hurry.

Return on Investment of Food Safety Training in Canadian Companies

Return on Investment of Food Safety Training in Canadian Companies

There are many reasons that food safety training pays back companies that invest in it. A study undertaken by Safe Food Canada, ROI of Food Safety Training in Canadian Companies, had a look at some of the hard numbers to look at how food safety training was paying back to companies that invested in it across Canada. It was the first study of its kind in Canada, and was released in February of 2016.

Summertime Al Fresco Cooking Safety Guide

Summertime Al Fresco Cooking Safety Guide

If your restaurant has an outdoor patio there is nothing more enjoyable for your guests than dining al fresco.

Add an outdoor cooking station to the mix and your clientele can also enjoy watching your talented chefs prepare their meals.

But summer’s warm humid temperatures are perfect conditions for bacterial growth – making it the perfect breeding ground for foodborne illnesses. The Government of Canada estimates that there are 4 million cases of foodborne illness each year, but with a few simple safety tips your outdoor patio can be a safe, delicious place for your guests to dine and enjoy the beautiful Canadian summer and fall.

Tips for Handling Allergies in a Food Service Business

Tips for Handling Allergies in a Food Service Business

Allergies are coming back into the picture in a big way. In 2015, one of the largest surveys conducted on the subject revealed that one in 13 Canadians has a serious food allergy – 7.5% of children and adults. Conscientious restaurateurs, food service operators and chains already have some systems in place to help ensure that their allergic diners don’t accidentally eat something they shouldn’t.

The best way to handle allergens is with a holistic approach where everyone in your business is aware of allergens and how to handle them in food preparation and service.

Food Safety & Crisis Management: The Chipotle Example

Food Safety & Crisis Management: The Chipotle Example

Chipotle went to market with a unique strategy for a fast food chain: use fresh, local, and in some cases organic ingredients to create a unique experience for customers. Its vision and marketing tapped into the current anti-fast-food zeitgeist, and it worked. Chipotle became America’s “healthy” fast food option.

But in 2015 the filling started to fall out of Chipotle’s burrito. A total of five outbreaks occurred in its stores across America, with a number of customers coming down with E. coli poisoning, norovirus, and salmonella poisoning. The culprit was, obviously, a lack of attention to food safety procedures. It quickly became clear that the company’s culture was not focused on food safety or transparency in the wake of the earlier outbreaks in July and August. By the time the outbreaks occurred in the fall, Chipotle was in full crisis management mode as its company stock dropped 30% in the course of one month.

Tracking Foodborne Illnesses With Social Media, Websites and Apps

Tracking Foodborne Illnesses With Social Media, Websites and Apps

Health departments may have a new resource in their bid to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks: social media. Yelp reviews and disgruntled tweets can serve a greater good beyond blowing off steam after a bad restaurant experience; they can help health officials track the source of outbreaks faster and more accurately.